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Batman is back

US Leader

Perubahan telah datang ke Amerika," seru Barack Obama saat menyampaikan pidato kemenangannya di Chicago, Illinois, AS.
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An ordered list

Be A Kid Again 1. Do a cartwheel. 2. Sing into your hairbrush. 3. Walk barefoot in wet grass. 4. Play a song you like really loud, over and over. 5. Dot all your “i”’s with smiley faces. 6. Read the funnies. Throw the rest of ...
An ordered list

Obama promises

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama unveiled a multi-trillion-dollar spending plan Thursday that would boost taxes on the wealthy, curtail Medicare, lay the groundwork for universal health care and leave a string of deficits dwarfing any in the nation's history.

In addition to sending Congress his $3.55 trillion budget plan for 2010, Obama proposed more immediate changes that would push spending to $3.94 trillion in the current year. That would result in a record deficit Obama projects will hit $1.75 trillion, reflecting the massive spending being undertaken to battle a severe recession and the worst financial crisis in seven decades.

As part of the effort to end the crisis, the administration proposes boosting the deficit by an additional $250 billion this year, enough to support as much as $750 billion in increased spending under the government's rescue program for banks and other financial institutions. That would more than double the $700 billion bank bailout passed by Congress last October.

Obama, in a morning briefing, spoke of "hard choices that lie ahead." He called his budget "an honest accounting of where we are and where we intend to go."

But Republicans contended Obama was avoiding hard choices in favor of exploding the deficit and raising taxes.

"The American people deserve a budget that puts fiscal discipline and jobs first. The budget offered by the Obama administration fails on both counts," said Rep. Mike Pence, the chairman of the House Republican Conference.

The administration calls the request for additional bailout resources a "placeholder" in advance of a determination by the Treasury Department of what will actually be needed.

The spending blueprint Obama sent Congress was a 134-page outline with further details to come in mid to late April, when the new administration sends up the massive budget books that will flesh out the plan.

Ways to Energize Your Ebook Writing

This article is specifically created for those ebook writers who are struggling to generate the kind of attention they need for their ebooks.
In here, I will share the most effective ways on how you can make your creations more compelling and more attention-grabbing so you can increase your sales in no time. So, read on and find out!

1. Use easy-to-read writing formats. Keep in mind that most internet users have limited attention span and that they rarely read any kind of content word for word. You can attract these people and get them to read your ebooks if you use writing formats (example: tips list, how-to, and question and answer formats) that are not only easy on the eyes but promote better understanding too.

2. Go with non-fiction topics. Although there are some internet users who are willing to shell out money on romance or sci-fi novels, majority of them are looking for ebooks that offer practical information that they can use in improving the quality of their lives. So, instead of writing about fairy tales or love stories, write about the pressing issues being faced by your target market and help them resolve these.

3. Strive to be different. One of the common denominators of those people who did not succeed online is that they are all copycats. They had nothing different to offer and they just imitate the products and the marketing strategies of their competitors. If you want to stay longer in the online arena, you must know how to set yourself and your ebooks apart from the rest. Instead of getting content with the norm, think out of the box and unleash your creative side.

4. Establish your objectives. Before you even tap on your keyboard, I recommend that you stop and think for a while. Why do you want to write and publish an ebook? What is it that moves you to share you knowledge to online users? Whatever it is, make sure that you keep it in mind when as it will surely have a direct impact on your success or failure in this endeavor.

5. Ensure that your content flows smoothly. Always tie your ideas together using transitional phrases and present your information in a logical manner. You need to do these to ensure that your readers will easily understand your whole content.

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